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Just finished working on an industrial for Hermés.  Directed by Jason Eagan, music and lyrics by Dave Malloy, written by Isaac Oliver and choreographed by Sarah O'Gleby and Christopher Bailey, this was quite the EVENT!!  This was to launch  Hermés' new flagship store on Madison Ave.  My character's name was Amy Apple - based on a loyal Hermés customer, who loved apples and carried one with her every day.  Eventually, her husband commissioned Hermés to create a special purse for her daily apple.  The piece  now lives in a museum, only to be brought out for me to use for this event. 
Hermés blocked off the entire street between 61st and 62nd.  Although it was a theatrical event, under an Equity contract, it was high fashion in terms of prep. Between makeup and hair, I sat in a chair for three hours. (BTW...that is an Hermés $60,000 coat I'm wearing!!  I've never felt Cashmere like that!). The huge cast was wonderful and the artistry of the Hermés group was extraordinary. (The hair was designed by Mariel Vancauwen).  Fun night.   



